NOTIFIER's intelligent, muli monitor modules provide multiple module for use with NOTIFIER'S FireWarden Panels.
NOTIFIER’s intelligent, addressable multiple monitor modules are a convenient space saving platform and allow for additional mounting options.
Features & Benefits:
- NZM-100-6 provides six zone interface circuits
- NMM-100-10 provides ten monitor inputs Removable plug-in terminal blocks
- Status indicators for each point
- Mount up to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a CAB-3 Series, CAB-4 Series, EQ Series, BB-25 BB-XP cabinet
- Normal Operating Voltage: 15-32 VDC
- Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C)
- Stand-By Current: 2.3 mA @ 24V
- Alarm Current: 40 mA (assumes all six LEDs solid on)
- Stand-By Current: 3.75 mA @ 24V
- Alarm Current: 55 mA (assumes all ten LEDs solid on)
- UL Listed: S635
- MEA Listed: 72-01-E Vol. 3
- CSFM: 7300-0028:0230
- FM Approved
- UL Listed: S635
- CSFM approved: 7300-0028:256
- FM approved